You may be asking yourself what is BlockChain Innovation. That is understandable, it is a rather new concept to most of us. Well, breifly Blockchain Innovation is a new system of exchange where a user can send Bitcoin directly from one party to another without the need for dealing with banks. We are going to explain everything to you and bring you some fantastic finds along the way.
What is BlockChain Innovation?
In todays economy, Financial Insitutions such as Banks act as intermediaries to track the flow of Bitcoin from one party to another. Blockchain technologies remove Financial Insitutions from the center of exchanging Bitcoin. Blockchain Innovation is a new system of exchange where a user can send Bitcoin directly from one party to another without the need for intermediaries. Thus, it allows the transfer of Bitcoins in Reel Time to any one any where in the World.
Each time a cryptocurrency is bought, sold or used to support a purchase, a new record is increases the Blockchain. Because there isn’t a central bank involved with cryptocurrencies, the transactions needs to be validated to ensure they’re accurate and legal. Mining is a foundational part of blockchain operations. It verifies the authenticity of any transaction. As a reward for completing the verification process, the user involved gets a reward of cryptocurrency. “Mining” is the reward. As time passes, the equations become more challenging to solve. The normal User does not have the computer to handle the equations. Mining pools are group of people that use their own personnal computer to assist in the solutuion to the equations, thus, validation.